Update de del firmware de Airport

Un update de Airport puede ser la pista de lo cerca que puede estar Jaguar 2.1

El update lleva estas mejoras:

* The Airport Admin Utility has improved scanning for base stations across local subnets. This improves the ability for AirPort computers to find base stations while plugged into the LAN port.

* Compatible with Internet service providers or other home router products that use private 10.0.0.x or 10.0.1.x addresses in bridge mode.

* Compatible with Rendezvous-enabled applications in Mac OS X v10.2

Las especificaciones del sistema son:

* AirPort Software 2.0.4

* Mac OS X v10.1.5 and the Networking Update

Note: This is a two step update. Please see Software Update for the latest releases.

* Mac OS 9.2.1 or greater.

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