Mozilla 1.5rc2

Nueva actualización de este navegador de internet.

En la nueva versión se corrigen o se mejoran las siguientes caraterísticas:

* Many great improvements to Mozilla Composer including:

o better resizing for images, tables and absolutely positioned objects

o support for absolutely positioned objects, movable on the canvas using the mouse

o support for z-index management

o “snap to grid” when moving an absolutely positioned object

o Source View now uses an editor instead of a simple textarea (allows find and replace)

o numerous fixes in caret management, inline styles handling and CSS styles handling

* Chatzilla now has support for logging and lots of bugfixes.

* Dom Inspector can now display the #document node (the document root.)

* A quicksearch filter has been implemented for about:config.

* Improvements to tabbed browsing including:

o Back and Forward navigation for tabbed browsing and bookmark groups has been improved. Users can now use the back button after loading a bookmark group to restore the previous tabs.

o Closing a window with multiple tabs now prompts the user with a confirmation dialog (which can be disabled for future close operations.)

* It is now possible to jump from the JavaScript console to the relevant line in the View Source Window

* The ‘::’ notation for CSS pseudo-elements is now supported. The old ‘:’ notation is still supported for the various -moz-* pseudo-elements, but will NOT be supported in Mozilla 1.5. Themes should be updated to use the ‘::’ notation for pseudo-elements.

* Mozilla now includes a spellchecker for MailNews and Composer.

* Mozilla MailNews now supports the printing of the attachments list.

* ChatZilla, Mozilla’s internet relay chat client, has had a major overhaul bringing many improvements.

* MailNews users can add header lines to *every* msg sent out via a certain identity.

* A common application hang with SSL-encrypted SMTP connections in MailNews was fixed.

* Unstyled XML display has been improved.

* Users can now mark message as read by date in MailNews.

* Gecko now supports setting color for .

* A common problem collapsing the URLbar popup on Windows has been fixed.

* Mozilla’s view source now displays line and column numbers in the status bar.

* Mozilla has improved performance, stability, standards support and web compatibility.

* Mozilla should no longer cause GDI problems on Windows.

* New issue: Macintosh users with older versions of Flash may experience ing on sites that use Flash. (bug 200511) The best way to avoid this is to make sure you’re using the latest version of the Flash plugin. (Full known issues list for this release.)

Puedes descargar esta ultima actualización desde versiontracker.

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19 years ago

tank your

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