Últimos artículos de la Knowledge Base

Últimos artículos de la base de datos de software, hardware y servicios de Apple.

Workgroup Manager: Clients Can Add But Not Use a Printer

In some configurations, managed clients can add a printer, but then they cannot print to it.

Mac OS X Server 10.2: Where to Find the Serial Number

The Mac OS X Server serial number may be found on either the CD sleeve or on a separate sheet in the documentation packet. It is not always on the CD sleeve, as suggested by the Setup Assistant.

Mac OS X: About Print Collate Feature in Classic

The Collate checkbox isn’t available in a Classic application’s Print dialog unless the printer has a collation feature.

Mac OS X: Mail – Dragging a Unselected Message Does Not Deselect Another

Mail allows you to drag an unselected (nonhighlighted) email message to a different folder–even if a different message is selected.

Mac OS X: Apple System Profiler Displays Filled Memory (RAM) Slots as Empty

Damaged or incompatible memory (RAM) may not appear in Apple System Profiler (ASP).

Mac OS X 10.1: Cannot Install 10.1 Over 10.2 or While Started Up From 10.2

The Mac OS X 10.1 installer will not open on a computer that is started up from Mac OS X 10.2, or install on a volume that already has Mac OS X 10.2 installed on it

Mac OS X: Keychain Unexpectedly Stores Mail Password

The Keychain application may store your Mail account password even if you tell it not to.

Mac OS X 10.2: «Unable to connect to IP Host» Alert When Printing to Shared Printer

Printing to a shared printer does not work in certain network configurations if the BSD subsystem is not installed.

Mac OS X: Mac Help Unexpectedly Quits After Installing Palm Desktop 4.0

Mac Help may unexpectedly quit after Palm Desktop 4.0 software is installed.

iPod Dock: Specifications

This document outlines the specifications of the iPod Dock.

iPod for Windows 2.0: How to Install

This document explains how to install iPod for Windows 2.0 software.

iPod (with Dock Connector): How to Install Dock Cover M9130G/A

This document explains how to install the iPod Dock cover when you purchase the dock separately from your iPod.

iPod (with Dock Connector): About the Dock Connector and Cables

This document describes the iPod dock connector and the cables you can use with it.

Keynote: How to Add Page Numbers to All Slides

This document explains how to add page numbers that automatically increment as you arrange or add slides.

iTunes Music Store: -5000 Error When Downloading Songs

When iTunes tries to download music, a -5000 error can occur if permissions are incorrect for the iTunes Music folder, or one of the folders inside it.

iTunes 4: Music Purchased From Music Store Cannot Be Burned to MP3 Disc

Playlists with songs purchased from the iTunes Music Store cannot be burned to an MP3 format CD.

iSync 1.0: Cannot Sync To Do List With iPod (with Dock Connector)

iSync 1.0 does not sync To Do lists with the iPod (with Dock Connector).

Keynote: «Can’t apply theme» Alert

You may not be able to open Keynote themes if Hebrew is the preferred language in the International preference pane.

Último software descargable de Apple

Mac OS X ()

Últimos artículos de la Knowledge Base

Últimos artículos publicados en la base de datos de Apple acerca de su software, hardware y servicios.

Smart albums created using the «Any» option adds the entire iPhoto library to the Smart album

iPhoto 4 lets you create «Smart» albums that include photos that meet criteria you set. With iPhoto 4.0.1, if you choose the «Any» option from the Match pop-up menu, the Smart album will include your entire iPhoto library.

iPod (Click Wheel): Windows CD Installer says «iPod Needs To Be Reformatted»

If you’re installing the Windows software that came with your iPod (Click Wheel), you might see a this message at the end of the installation: «iPod Not Readable» and «iPod Needs To Be Reformatted».

Mac OS X: Software update sizes can vary

The sizes of software updates can vary for computers running Mac OS X 10.3.4 or later. This is a feature of Software Update, which automatically detects the best update for your computer.

About the Mac OS X 10.3.5 Update (Combo)

This software updates Mac OS X 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.3.2, 10.3.3, or 10.3.4 to version 10.3.5. Tip: If you are updating from Mac OS X 10.3.4, you can use this smaller update instead.

Mac OS X: About This Mac «Build» Information

This document explains build versions, such as «Build 4K78,» which appear in the About This Mac window, Apple System Profiler, or the Startup Disk 9.2 control panel.

About the Mac OS X 10.3.5 Update (Delta)

This software updates Mac OS X 10.3.4 to version 10.3.5. Tip: If you have version 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.3.2, or 10.3.3, update with the combo update instead.

Mac OS X 10.3: Chart of available Mac OS software updates

Learn about Mac OS updates available for Mac OS X 10.3 Panther.

Apple Security Updates

This document outlines security updates for Apple products. For the protection of our customers, Apple does not disclose, discuss or confirm security issues until a full investigation has occurred and any necessary patches or releases are available. To learn more about Apple Product Security, see the Apple Computer <http://www.info.apple.com/usen/security/index.html> Product Security Incident Response website.

Important: This document describes updates and releases for September,

2003 (2003-09) and later, such as Mac OS X 10.2.8 and Mac OS X 10.3. For information about earlier security updates, see » <http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n25631> Apple Security Updates: August, 2003 and Earlier».

Últimos artículos de la Knowledge Base

Últimos artículos publicados en la base de datos de Apple acerca de su software, hardware y servicios.

AirPort Extreme Base Station: Compatible USB Printers

The following USB printers are compatible with the AirPort Extreme Base Station. Before connecting your USB printer to the AirPort Extreme Base Station, first connect the printer to a Macintosh computer and print a test page. Once your printer is connected to the base station, check to see that the printer is listed in the printer list in Print Center (Applications/Utilities/Print Center).

Mac OS X Server: Changes to a user record take a long time to sync

After changing a user record in Open Directory/LDAP server, the POSIX layer (lookupd) may not immediately pick up the changes.

Mac OS: Versions, builds included with computers (since 1998)

Learn the version(s) of Mac OS included with computers produced since 01 Jan 1998.

Important: You cannot normally use a Mac OS version earlier than the one included with the computer. See «Mac OS X: Use Original or Later Disc for Installation, Utilities«, as well as the related documents mentioned below.

Mac OS X 10.3 Mail: Long Internet URLs in a message may not work

With Mac OS X 10.3 through 10.3.3, long address (URL) in a Mac OS X Panther Mail message may not open in your Web browser when you click it.

Mac OS X 10.3: «/spool/cups/» Alert When Printing or Faxing

Learn what to do if you can’t print or fax, or if received faxes forwarded by email are never received by the recipients.

Mac OS X 10.2, 10.3: Printing to an HP Printer with binary PostScript

Change a print option if your file prints as garbled text on an HP ( http://www.hp.com/) PostScript printer.

Mac OS X 10.3: Address Book doesn’t respond in Fax Window

In a Mac OS X Panther Fax window, you see the Address Book when you click its button, but you can’t select contacts to send a fax to. You can only click the Cancel button.

Mac OS X: Mail unexpectedly quits if Times RO font is installed

With Mac OS X 10.3.3 or earlier, Mail might unexpectedly quit if Times RO fonts are installed. Some HP printer software may install this font.

DVD-R discs you burn in iDVD 4 or DVD Studio Pro 3 may not play in Mac OS 9

Apple DVD Player in Mac OS 9 may not recognize or play the DVD-R discs you burn in iDVD 4 or DVD Studio Pro 3.

Songs are not copied to iPod

Learn reasons why songs may not be copied to your iPod.

Error 1406 or 1402 appears when you install iTunes for Windows

Follow the steps below if an error message appears when you try to install iTunes for Windows. The error code is either 1402 or 1406.

Some songs in your iTunes library aren’t copied to your iPod

If your iPod is configured to automatically sync with iTunes, you may see a message that says some of the songs in your library couldn’t be copied to your iPod. This could happen for a couple of reasons listed below. Check to see if they apply to you.

Últimos artículos de la Knowledge Base

Últimos artículos publicados en la base de datos de apple acerca de su software, hardware y periféricos.

Mac OS X 10.2: Earthlink Free Trial Registration Menu Does Not List Oregon

Oregon is not listed in the registration State pop-up menu.

iTunes: About Using Audible Spoken Word Files

You can use iTunes 3 and iTunes 4 to listen to Audible spoken word files, including audio books, spoken magazines, and newspapers.

iSight: «No Camera Attached» Message in iMovie

The iSight camera is designed for video conferencing and cannot be used to capture video in iMovie.

PowerBook G4 (17-inch): External Speaker Noise During Sleep

When a PowerBook G4 (17-inch) computer is in sleep, external amplified speakers connected to the computer may make a static noise.

Xserve RAID: «RAID Controller Not Ready» Message in RAID Admin

This document discusses possible causes of the message «RAID Controller not ready» in RAID Admin.

Shake 3.0: Universal Naming Convention Is Default

Change to absolute naming if you need to move scripts between computers.

Shake 3.0: «Open Script» Does Not Save Script Containing Only Audio Clips

When a script only has audio files, choosing Open Script or New Script discards the current script.

iMovie 3: Scrolling Block and Music Video Titles Limited to Approximately 240 Characters

If you enter more than 240 characters in a Scrolling Block or Music Video title, some of the title text may not appear in the clip.

iSync: Does Not Sync With Data on SIM Card

iSync is designed to synchronize data from a mobile phone’s memory. It does not synchronize with data stored on a phone’s subscriber identity module (SIM) card.

Final Cut Pro 4: Custom Window Layouts Don’t Appear

Three issues can cause custom layouts not to appear in the Window > Arrange menu.

iChat AV (Public Beta): Picture-In-Picture and Snapshot Is a «Mirrored» View

Video appears «flipped» in the picture-in-picture and Snapshot modes.

Final Cut Pro 4.0 Unusual Keyboard Shortcuts With Some Keyboards

Final Cut Pro 4.0 may use nonstandard keyboard shortcuts for keyboard layouts other than U.S.

LiveType: How to User India Titler Font Data

This document explains how to get LiveType to recognize the India Titler font data for people who use India Titler

LiveType: Blank Templates Do Not Appear in Template Browser

When previewing templates in LiveType’s Template Browser, the category named Blank does not appear as suggested in LiveType Help.

Final Cut Pro 4: About Field Rendering and Progressive Rendering

This document provides tips to ensure sequence settings are correct in order to render them in either interlaced (with fields) or in progressive mode (no fields).

Final Cut Pro 4: Capture Now Conflict With Norton AntiVirus

This document describes a conflict with the Capture Now feature of Final Cut Pro and Norton AntiVirus.

Final Cut Pro 4: Out of Memory Alert With Digidesign Audio Cards

Final Cut Pro may report an out of memory alert when opened if a Digidesign audio card is installed.

Final Cut Pro 3: Camera Compatibility Information

This document lists device compatibility information intended to assist you in selecting appropriate equipment to use with Final Cut Pro 3.x.

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