Últimos artículos de la Knowledge Base I

Últimos artículos publicados en la base de datos de Apple acerca de su software, hardware y servicios.

Bluetooth: About Bluetooth Menu Icons

Learn what the different icons in the Bluetooth status menu mean.

Mac OS X Server 10.3: Mobile Accounts Feature Does Not Copy Home Directory Contents

The Mobile Accounts feature synchronizes account data between a network and a local (mobile) user account. Items such as account name, password, and managed preferences are synchronized, but not other user data such as Documents, Pictures, or Preferences.

Mac OS X Server 10.3: About Server Admin Tools

The Server Administration Software package installs a group of applications that you can use to remotely administer your Mac OS X Server.

iChat: Can’t Sign in With Long .Mac Password

If your .Mac (pronounced «dot Mac») password is longer than 16 characters, you can’t log in to iChat.

Mac OS X 10.2, 10.3: How to Eject Removable Media With Simple Finder

Learn how to eject removable media, such as a CD or iPod, when Simple Finder is enabled.

Tip: iCal, Mac OS X – How to Help iCal Alarms Go Off on Schedule

Follow the tips in this document to help iCal alarms go off on schedule.

Mac OS X: Configure Directory Access to Protect Your Mac From a Malicious DHCP Server

You can configure Directory Access to protect your Mac from a malicious DHCP server.

PowerBook G4: Troubleshooting Poor AirPort Extreme Performance or Issues Starting Up

Make sure the AirPort Extreme card in your PowerBook G4 is correctly installed if you have poor AirPort performance, or if the computer won’t start up correctly.

Final Cut Pro 4 and DVD Studio Pro 2: Compressor – Cannot Submit Job From Batch Window

In some situations submitting a job in Compressor fails even though a valid source, preset, and destination have been added.

DVD Studio Pro 2: Incorrect Step Printed in Tutorial

One page of the DVD Studio Pro 2 Tutorial documentation includes incorrect and incomplete directions.

Mac OS X: Some Programs Require Installation After Using the Mac OS X Archive and Install Feature

After using the «Archive & Install» feature of Mac OS X, Qmaster and Compressor do not open.

Soundtrack: Score Markers Imported Incorrectly

When importing a clip with multiple score markers, Soundtrack may mix up the markers.

QuickTime: Exporting AVI Files Larger Than 1 GB

Applications that use QuickTime may not be able to export AVI format movies that are greater than about 1 GB in size.

Soundtrack: Don’t Use Same Name For Loops and One-Shots

Saving a One-shot recording with the same name as a previously recorded Loop replaces the Loop with the One-shot.

Final Cut Pro 4.1: «Out of Memory» Error With Less Than 384 MB of RAM

If you try to use Final Cut Pro 4.1 on a computer that has less than 384 MB of memory installed, an «Out of Memory» message will appear.

DVD Studio Pro 2: Using an iPhoto Library Copied From a Different Computer

Copying an iPhoto Library from one computer to another can prevent photos from appearing in the Still tab in DVD Studio Pro 2.

Soundtrack: About Recording Latency

Audio recorded with Soundtrack may not be in sync with existing tracks in the project.

DVD Studio Pro 2: Black Frame Appears Between Menus in Simulator

When moving between menus or between menus and video tracks on a simulated disc, you may see a black frame that briefly appears.

Final Cut Pro 4: General Error When Opening a Project on a Different Computer

Missing audio plug-ins can cause a «General Error» when opening a Final Cut Pro 4 project on a different computer.


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