Al parecer están intentando hacer una jugada a algunos usuarios que tienen el dominio con Network Solutions, haciéndose pasar por ellos y solicitando los datos de la tarjeta de crédito.
Network Solutions está enviando un correo a todos los usuarios que tienen contratados dominos con esta empresa avisándoles de un falso correo donde se avisa de renovaciones de los dominios contratatados.
El correo enviado es el siguiente:
Following is an important customer service notice sent in
accordance with the Network Solutions Service Agreement.
Dear Network Solutions(R) Customer,
We recently learned that our customers are receiving domain
name renewal notices from companies falsely representing
themselves as Network Solutions. These notices inform customers
that their domain name registration is due to expire and provides
instructions on how to renew.
If you receive a renewal notice you do not believe is from
Network Solutions or if you have an unauthorized vendor listed
on your credit card statement for ‘domain name renewal,’ please
contact us immediately at 1-888-642-9675 or locally at 703-742-0914
or email us at
To confirm that the renewal notification you receive is from
Network Solutions and to protect your domain name registration,
we recommend that you do the following:
1. Go to (el resto de la dirección ha sido omitida para proteger la privacidad del usuario)
2. Click on the Renew Services tab
3. Enter the domain name in the renew services box
4. Your services and expiration date will be displayed
The description that will appear on your credit card statement for
all Network Solutions transactions will identify Network Solutions
by name.
Thank you for choosing Network Solutions. We are committed to
delivering high quality services to meet your online needs.
Joseph Pickett
Director, Customer Service
necesito con urgencia un numero de fax de Networksolution
se lo agradecere mil
Adolfo Rodriguez
necesito con urgencia un numero de fax de Networksolution
se lo agradecere mil
Adolfo Rodriguez
necesito con urgencia un numero de fax de Networksolution
se lo agradecere mil
Adolfo Rodriguez
Necesito que me avisen con tiempo, cuando tengo que renovar el dominio de
Por favor mande fecha a mi maail. Gracias