Al fin! una nueva versión de uno de los clientes de IRC más usados.
Nuevo en esta versión:
* sound/speech volume setting (Mac OS 8 and up)
* OS X: Misc Prefs option to have the Dock icon bounce (once or continuously) with each incoming message
* channel bar, shows buttons with current channels/queries/dcc chat and activity status.
* userlist shows nicks related to query and dcc chat windows.
* ircle is now able to load and save OS X applescripts that need their data in the Data Fork of the file (contrary to old fashioned scripts that store their data in ‘scpt’ resources).
* banlist now handles ban exceptions, when available on the IRC server.
* ircle makes use of the 005 server reply to determine the network name and other useful information.
* channel list window shows progress bar when sorting.
* autoexec fields now understands the same macros (such as $nick) as the shortcuts.
* OS X: file comments for received files thru DCC are now set again. (‘sent by nick!user@host’).
* support for channeladmin and half/helpop channelmodes on some irc server flavors.
* some file handling problems.
* ircle correctly handles modem drops again on Mac OS 7-9.
* Bring All to Front menu choice is now correctly working.
* a bug where ircle would run out of free connections after repeatedly trying to connect to Dalnet and the Dalnet nameservers would report the address. Note: Dalnet is still unreachable see
* problems with the ‘check for ircle update’ command in the Help menu.
Puedes desscargar iRcle 3.1b16 desde página de descargas de Ircle (634 k)
Pa q sirve este programa? 😉 ircle rules!
Leñe por fin barra de canales activa!. Estaba previsto a finales de Noviembre del 2002… downloading… 😀
Alguno sabe de algun fserv script para el ircle que corra en mac os X?