Correo del director del equipo que desarrolla Safari

Agradeciendo a la comunidad OpenSource sus esfuerzos

—– Forwarded message from Don Melton —–

From: Don Melton

Subject: Greetings from the Safari team at Apple Computer

Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 11:31:10 -0800


I’m the engineering manager of Safari, Apple Computer’s new web browser

built upon KHTML and KJS. I’m sending you this email to thank you for

making such a great open source project and introduce myself and my

development team. I also wish to explain why and how we’ve used your

excellent technology. It’s important that you know we’re committed to

open source and contributing our changes, now and in the future, back

to you, the original developers. Hopefully this will begin a dialogue

among ourselves for the benefit of both of our projects.

I’ve “cc”-ed my team on this email so you know their names and contact

information. Perhaps you already recognize some of those names. Back

in ’98 I was one of the people who took Mozilla open source. David

Hyatt is not only the originator of the Chimera web browser project but

also the inventor of XBL. Darin Adler is the former lead of the

Nautilus file manager. Darin, Maciej Stachowiak, John Sullivan, Ken

Kocienda, and I are all Eazel veterans.

The number one goal for developing Safari was to create the fastest web

browser on Mac OS X. When we were evaluating technologies over a year

ago, KHTML and KJS stood out. Not only were they the basis of an

excellent modern and standards compliant web browser, they were also

less than 140,000 lines of code. The size of your code and ease of

development within that code made it a better choice for us than other

open source projects. Your clean design was also a plus. And the

small size of your code is a significant reason for our winning startup

performance as you can see reflected in the data at .

How did we do it? As you know, KJS is very portable and independent.

The Sherlock team is already using it on Mac OS X in the framework my

team prepared called JavaScriptCore. But because KHTML requires other

components from KDE and Qt, we wrote our own adapter library called KWQ

(and pronounced “quack”) that replaces these other components. KHTML

and KWQ have been encapsulated in a framework called WebCore. We’ve

also made significant enhancements, bug fixes, and performance

improvements to KHTML and KJS.

Both WebCore and JavaScriptCore, which account for a little over half

the code in Safari, are being released as open source today. They

should be available at very soon. Also,

we’ll be sending you another email soon which details our changes and

additions to KHTML and KJS. I hope the detailed list in that email

will help you understand what we’ve done a little better. We’d also

like to send this information to the appropriate KDE mailing list.

Please advise us on which one to use.

We look forward to your comments. We’d also like to speak to you and

we’d be happy to set up a conference call at our expense for this


Thank you again for making KHTML and KJS.

Please forward this email to any contributor whom I may have missed.

Don Melton

Safari Engineering Manager

Apple Computer

P.S. — I’m sending you this email while attending MacWorld exposition

so it may take myself and my staff several hours before we can respond

to email. My apologies in advance.

—– End forwarded message —–

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