ATI Radeon 7000 firmware

Firmware para la tarjeta gráfica de ATI.

las actualizaciones de firmware no suelen tener paso atrás, así que el uso de este tipo de software solo debe ser utilizado en caso de tener realmente necesidad de ello.

Correcciones en este firmware:

* Enhanced resolution/mode support for newer monitors with DDC (Display Data Channel) information

* Expanded NON-DDC mode lists

* Digital Flat Panel Extended Support

* 10 Bit Gamma & Color Look Up Table (CLUT) Improvements

* Support for Mac OS X’s “Detect Displays” Feature

* Simulscan resolutions listed differently in Mac OS X. As before, simulscan is only available on RADEON 7000 Mac Edition when a DVI panel is connected along with a CRT and TV. Simulscan modes are not supported when ONLY a DVI flat panel and TV are connected to the RADEON 7000 Mac Edition. With this update, however, simulscan resolutions will not appear labeled as “Simulscan” in the Mac OS X Displays preferences or in the Display menu as they were before. Furthermore, each of the available NTSC resolutions will be listed twice. Simulscan resolutions are STILL available in Mac OS X using this update. In this case, however, one set of the NTSC resolutions is REALLY simulscan. Selecting the appropriate NTSC resolution should enable the TV output WITHOUT blanking the monitor. The two listings will appear identical, so you may have to try both in order to determine which is simulscan.

Fuente: versiontracker

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