Apple lanza un programa de voluntariado para sus trabajadores

Apple ha distribuido un memorandum entre los empleados de la compañía que indica lo siguiente:

Since its launch in 2011, the Apple Matching Gifts Program has been an astounding success, with a combined total of over $78 million donated to charities and non-profits around the world. Now employees in the U.S. have a new way to make an even bigger impact on the causes they care about where they live: the Apple Global Volunteer Program. The program empowers employees to become Volunteer Champions and receive training and tools to help organize and publicize volunteer events in their communities. It also makes it easy for employees to find activities where they can volunteer their time and quality for Matching Gifts. Right now we’re piloting the program in the US, Sydney, and Cork with the goal of expansing it worldwide in the future.

El programa ayudará a los trabajadores en la organización de eventos para caridad en sus comunidades locales como continuación de el programa de donaciones para los empleados por el que la compañía Cupertino iguala las donaciones caritativas que realiza cada trabajador de Apple y por el que Apple ha donado hasta la fecha 78 millones de dólares con este programa.

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