Women & Mac: Marianna, Mac on Southamerica

Marianna Torres, from Quito, Ecuador. She worked in an Apple Reseller during five years. Now she work at a mobile phone company.


Marianna Torres

When did you began to use mac?

Since 1992, my first Mac was a Classic II that works till now.

Did you use Mac at your job or by personal reasons?

Actually I use Mac only at work. I have worked at an Apple store, at the technical department just untill few weeks ago. My job was to review and repair equipment and to give technical support to the clients.

Recently I have been contracted in a mobile phone company, at the technical department. My work is the one to test the telephones in microcells and to give support to clients, reviewing and repairing his phones.

Which are the differences you have seen between men and women relationship with their Macs?

I don’t beleive being a man or a woman is a fact that changes the computer care, it’s the same.

Men in trouble… can you tell us a fun history?

This happened recently, a client called saying that he couldn’t print, that the paper tray did not feed correctly, and that he needed to make a work urgent; when we requested him to bring the equipment to the store, he brought only the tray… without the printer, so he had to travel twice.

Do you now how many women use Mac from total Mac users at your country?

I could be wrong, but I think it´s around 10%.

Which Macs had you used? Which Mac computer do you use actually?

Classic II, Performa 6360 and actually my private Mac is an iMac 233.

Let’s talk about internet. Are you suscribed at very many e-mail dir-lists notices?

Only at Apple bulletins. I prefer to suscribe me to magazines.

Which are your preferences?

About magazines, I recived a few: about preventive medecine, tools reviews and about computers too.

Do you use technichal Mac channels on-line too?

I go frequently to faq-mac’s irc channel Irc-vulcano.com, /join #faq-mac

Mac and secrets on-line… every body of us have played anytime to show another personality on an irc channel… What do you think about personal contacts irc channels?

It depends what are you looking for… you can make friends or you can loose your time.

Can you tell us your prescription to seduce a user of another platform to attempt to use Mac?

I like to show periferics demostrations, remarking them that in Mac are really «plug and play».

I read few days ago about less number of women working on computers affairs at Syllicon Valley, talking about an important place for the computer industry. How do you think are considered women in this professional area at your country?

I worked mainly with graphic companies, and I have seen a very little number of women working in this area really, perhaps grows up on future.

And , Can you tell us your prescription to seduce a man Mac user? 😉

I´m triying to conquer one J. But I don’t tell you the «prescription»… untill I test how it works.

Thank you, nice to meet you.

Thank you J.

Marianna Torres.

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