We speak with two women macusers who work in a profesional area that is a great industry: chatting about porn & mac.
“The Librarian Commodore, Laura & Montse”
Hello Laura & Montse, Can you tell us how you use your Mac, please? Hard / soft/ peripheral/ www/ etc.
Laura: Hard/Soft? It sounds like a porn movie, I use it for everything to work, surfing on-line and conected with others computers.
Montse: basically I manage FileMaker data archives and larges escell lists…
When did you began to use Mac?
Laura: I use Mac usually at work since one year ago more or less.
Montse: Mac changed my life four years ago, since then I’m another girl.
¿Which macs had you worked with? ¿Which is your hardware now?
Laura: I don´t know about Mac computer models. On past I worked with the blue one that seems to be a fashion tv. Actually I use the white iMac with the plain monitor.
Montse: I use an old 9600/300, but I dream with a G4.
Can you tell us a little history againts the “macho man” porn consumer role? Do you think women buy pornographic materials?
Laura: I do it, and you? I think women uses porn materials especially with their couples.
Montse: No, I can’t desagree that topic, porn consumer is the same thing we imagine in our worst nightmares and females who uses porn materials, do it beside their “strong machos”. What more can I say?…
How many women had high charges at productions companies, publisher enterprises around your professional sector?
Laura: At audiovisual area, especially at production, there are very many women with responsability jobs, instead at porn affairs…
Montse: This is an easy question: there aren’t women at responsabilities charges, and this is not an opinion, its a reality. It’s a world of men made by men (and “no doubt-men”!). In fact, I suppose that in another areas the females percentage power shouldn’t be different. I think there is a porn woman director, But me, I had to study these dates at the university, they tough to me that this percentage was not contempled, so don’t consider it, it’s anecdotal.
Let´s talk about internet. Are you suscribed to e-mail dir lists? Which do you like?
Laura: I use hotmail since long time ago, but it’s boring, they send a lot of junk every time.
Montse: I’m suscribed to diferents dir-lists, all of them about my job (I work at the archive). Not recomended for outsiders.
Secrets and macs… There are users who had amateurs edition equipment for filming themselves during their sex sessions. But, do you remember any anecdote, a porn movie where appears a Mac, by example? Do you believe that exists computers fetishism?
Laura: I don’t know about this. I think that Mac fetishim is a professional need or, an snob stupity.
Montse: more than fetshism around computers (Mac or any other) there is the topic about the “efficient secretary”, you can imagine her gratefuls… And yes, in these scenes appears computers, like years ago typer machines, but they haven’t an special rol at the scene. Really they are very short on imagination this people of porn.
How is consider women in this kind of work? Earn same salary?
Laura: “Company rules”. I prefer don’t answering this question…
Montse: Like I told a litle up: “the hetero-patriarcado power”-, women are not considered, they don’t access to responsibilties charges (in fact they don’t get any close of them) and journals aren’t equals. Although, on porn movies there is a positive discrimination: girls are the stars y earn more money than boys, so you can see how is considered the women laboral capacities (now I was going to write a rudeness but I wil shut up).
And how is the erothical production made in Mac on european bussiness?
Laura: We don’t produce, we work on distributions market. I don’t think Mac is envolved on porn productions, it’s a job tool, the same as PC.
Montse: Sorry, I can’t answer this.
Beeing females… Have you listened very many jokes about your jobs at a porn company? Something you can tell us…
Laura: No, in fact. Not really. Very many absurd questions, usually more than jokes. People is not so silly…
Montse: I only tell I work at a porn company when I’m completly sure I shouldn’t listen the comentary from an idiot, so little I can tell. Well, I’m wrong, I remember one: a friend of a friend of mine, obstinate pornographer (his friend, not my friend), telling him where I worked he asked to me, play attention… if we work nudes!!!! I told him, yes of course, completely nudes all time so we earn important seconds of time for our great sporadics orgies at the “bacanal saloon”. “Of couse, it’s usual in that world, isn’t it?” answerd him alucinated and eaten up with jealousy about that great laboral ambient. At end… you can see, was my good done of that day: grow up the sexual fantasies of a silly man.
Do you now a link for triying to be vouyeurs from our mac?
Laura: I don’t now, I don’t use porn at internet…
Montse: But watch, paradoxicaly I can’t tell you anyone. “En casa del herrero…”
Thanks, nice to meet you
Nice to help you. I haven’t a personal photo, but I send you one of the “librarians commodore”. Here it is 😉