Women & Mac: Editorial

Here from Faq-mac we congratulate all Mac users girls, on past 8th March, International Women’s Day.

We speak with Mac users women who work in different computer professional areas. A little collection of samples about their macs affairs. During this week, we publish the interviews of women that use her mac for his work or pleasure. Come on, watch them…

Marianna Torres, from Quito, Ecuador.

She had worked at an Apple store at the technical department during five years. Actually she works at a celular phone solutions company.

Vilma Asmonaite, from Vilnius, Lithuania.

Developer. She works with Cocoa for Mac OS X.

Reyyan Ayfer, from Ankara, Turkey.

She works at Bilkent University, as Chair Department of Computer Technology and Programming (Ankara, Turkey). She’s also Ambassador member of the ACM Comitte on Women in Computing (ACM-W).

Lissa Meridan, from Wellington, New Zealand.

A musician woman composing on Mac. She is Director of the Electroacoustic Music Studios at Victoria University of Wellington, a committee member and webmaster for the Composers Assoc. of NZ and Vice President of the Australasian Computer Music Association.

Laura & Montse, from Spain

The erotical side of the mac: they work in a profesional area that is a great industry: porn.


These interviews are a little sample of womens professional affairs. In fact, there are a lot of professional areas of women who worked with mac too, and they couldn’t be represented.

I did the interviews wanting to show the small “visibility” that on mac platform girls have, and with macs makes too.

If macuser we are a minority around all computer users, talking about women mac users this “minority adjetiv” gets grower.

Also we have to say that men’s complicity exist from them to women mac user. They had collaborated for this interview too, sometimes surprised about the theme we where talking about.

It’s really dificult to find very many women mac users although inside mac users groups, MUGS.

Telling about one I’m suscribed, in GUM Euskadi, Basque Country MUG, we are five, 5 women around 77 members. I don´t know this info from other MUGS from Spain or Southamerica, but I think should be near this percentaje, I hope the female members number should be bigger, although…

Spanish version available here.

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